티스토리 뷰

#Starting Off:

: What you will first notice is that Vortex Temple has only 3 bosses. Each are relevant to the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Boss.

Then where is the 3rd boss located at? The "Bastard's Refuge" Raid works as the 3rd Boss of the whole raid, since it drops the 5th, 6th Piece Soulshields.

: If the Skybreak Spire(Black Tower) was like an introduction to Blade & Soul, Vortex Temple is like an advanced course which requires harder mechanics and cooperation.

In KR, for the First 4 Months after each raid was released, BT had over 20 teams who killed the 3rd boss, while VT had only 4~5. But it is nerfed a lot so it will not be that hard

: Vortex Temple Gears are about the Legendary Elemental Necklaces and Legendary Mystic Badges, which anyone who are seeing this guide will know it's a really big deal.

The new tier Soulshields are also a breakthrough in DPS terms, regarding every class.

#Crew Constructing

: Each Class has a different value in each dungeon. In VT, Ranged Classes are Very Important, important enough that most clear-teams have average 12 ranged classes. It is that important.

1. BM(1~2)

: In Tank terms, the Final Boss requires very quick positioning and moving so BM is much better(less probability to make mistakes) and easier comparing to KFM tank.

But the problem is the surplus BMs don't have much to do except party iframes which don't really help in VT because AoEs have more than 3 hits. And it's not a very class in DPS.

2. KFM(2~4, considering the number of Fighting Spirits)

: In Tank terms, it is possible to tank the Final Boss but it isn't recommended.

But KFM's Fighting Spirit and the Crit DMG buff on Searing Palm, Tremor works on the whole team so it's buffs are very very neat.

Also, for the Final Boss since KFM has 2 pulling skills(Z and V), with Soulburn it can gather the all small spiders alone easily.

There are 3 groups of small spiders, so having 3 will be very cool.

3. SIN(1~3, considering the number of Fighting Spirits)

: the only thing useful from SIN is that it has Fighting Spirit, but this can be done by KFMs which are much better utility-wise

If you have a Strong SIN it might help in DPS, but if not, using a KFM will be a better choice.

4. DES(1~2)

: Not having a party buff or iframe is kind of lame, but it still has a lot of CCs and 2 pulling skills for the Final Boss.

and if someone with an important roll dies, a good DES can be dispatched and cover up most of the rolls.

5. BD(2~3)

: A fully geared post-Skybreak Spire BD will do very hard DPS, and that is very helpful by itself.

it is basically the same as DES, but it has an party iframe instead of having 2 pulling skills.

Comparing to BM's iframe, BD's iframe fully resists for 3 seconds so it is useful.

6. SF(AT LEAST 1~2)

: One Thing very important is that without SF's MaxHP increase skill, the First Boss is not clearable (if it is, it requires stupid HP gear and not efficient to do so). So you MUST HAVE AT LEAST ONE SF in the team.

Other than that, it does good DPS and having a active reviving skill will really help throughout the whole raid. It is very, very convenient when used wise.

7. FM(3~4)

: FM's unique party iframe is very useful in the 2nd, 3rd boss. It's not like it's essential, but if you have a lot of them it will make the whole raid much easier.

FM has the most powerful DPS along with BD after Skybreak Spire, so having a lot of them is never a bad thing.

Also, because of the DMG reflect of the Fire Orbs, the Final Boss's Bug-Bomb Pattern usually lands on the FM because it takes aggro, knowing this will be helpful there too.

8. SUM(4)

: Having 4 SUMS is not really an argument because the 3rd boss requires dandelions every 50 seconds, and so does the Final Boss. Having 4 of them is just essential.

The heal and cat revive, and party revive is very helpful throughout the raid.

9. WL(4)

: Soulburn

: So, the Team Table should look something like this

Party 1 

Party 2



























#About Try-Hours

: As I said, VT requires more cooperation so it takes more time to get used to.

I have seen many teams do this, and at least doing 2 times a week, more than 4 hours each time is mandatory to keep having progress. More the Better.

It's just my opinion because basing on the fact I've seen many teams only doing 1 time per week, but I've seen none of them pull that off (Of course, not counting alt teams)

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