티스토리 뷰

: Super Thrall


#Starting Off

: Super Thrall is most likely the easiest Boss among VT bosses, only the tank has to actually do something.

DPS isn't very needed here, because using the objects is the main source of the damage, which the tank will control.

#Basic Patterns

Super Thrall's Patterns and Objects all happen in a specific order in each phase.

[ Gives Hellfire/Waveform - 2 Hit - Slow Field+Uppercut - In/Out or Out/In - Time Distort - Slow Field+Uppercut - (I/O O/I) - Time Distort - Slow Field+Uppercut ] Repeat

: Hellfire+Waveform

: After Engaging and at the start of each phase, the boss gives the "Hellfire" Buff to the far 6 people, and give "Waveform" Buff to the near 2~3 (not exact, but doesn't matter) people

Hellfire buff instantly kills you after 45 seconds, so you must go inside the Soul-Separation before it ends, which will be described in the Time Distort Pattern.

What is important about this is that if the Tank goes into Soul Separation, the aggro will be reset. So, the tank must not get the Hellfire

So it is very important for everyone else to be more far than the tank to get the hellfire buff.

Waveform is basically a timebomb that only does damage to the people inside Soul Separation, and it will explode like this :

: of course, if you have Ctrl+F on you won't see it.

these things explode 2~3 times lasting about 3~4 seconds, but they consisted of very many hits so using Bastion/True friend/BM's party iframe will not help a lot.

You must resist them by using timewise iframes, especially FM's party iframe is the best choice. So scattering the FMs is very good

BD's does the trick too but it won't be enough so you must keep using iframe.

The Timing for using it is during the 1st uppercut after giving the Hellfire/Waveform.

The Explosions are also blockable so BM/WL can just survive by pressing #1.

After the 12 man update, only one of those flowers appear so resisting it is much much easier, especially for classes with 5 hit resist skills.

: 2 Hit - Nothing special about it. Everyday pattern

: Slow Field+Uppercut - The uppercut doesn't knockup or anything, only does damage.

: But the Orb the boss throws makes a small area that reduces your movement speed severely, and it will make you hard to move for few seconds.


: In/Out or Out/In - You have seen this pattern in the last boss of Skybreak Spire, it's basically the same pattern.

You must distinguish whether it will start with IN or OUT by it's motion:

If it jumps high (Left Picture) Out ▶ In

If it hits the ground (Right Picture) In ▶ Out

It is unresistable, so if you fail to evade it, you will get a debuff that lasts 60 seconds and do damage over time.


: Time Distort - It is CC able, so you must Stun/Knockdown it.

if you stun it, it just keeps doing the basic patterns

if you KD it, it will rise up and Soul Separate people who are facing the thrall.

Also, people inside gets the same effect. if they face the thrall they will get out of Soul Separation.

This means that if you turn around, you will not get soul separated, so it is necessary to only be separated when you need to, which will be explained below.

: The People with the Hellfire Buff will get an additional buff, that enhances Damage Very Highly over time (it stacks automatically if you stay in there long)

if you don't have Hellfire and you go into Soul Separation, you will get the reverse effect and damage will be severely low.

but this doesn't mean a lot because the nukes that will be explained below is the main source of the damage, not this buff.

#Soul Separation Tactics

There is only one thing to consider. The tank MUST NOT GET HELLFIRE

So, the easiest way to do this is just each party switching positions constantly.

At Engaging, Party 1 will only start doing damage while Party 2 waits until 1,2 gets the Hellfire buff.

Each phase has 2 time distortions, so you will want to do one Stun and one KD, the order doesn't matter but it must be consistent.

So each phase, there will be one Knockdown. At the first Phase, Party 1 will all go inside Soul Separation while 2 stays outside by turning around.

(the Tank stays outside no matter what)

This way, 1 party will be inside and 1 party will be outside.

After the first KD, everyone except the tank will face the thrall and switch places every KD after this

so the team view will look like this: 

(will leave this because the mechanism is pretty much the same)

: This may seem inefficient because only 6 have Hellfire and the others don't

But the reason why we use this tactic is because the Nukes explained below does all the damage you will need, So the buffs are unnecessary.

and this way is much simpler than the alternative, which is each party going in and out constantly, which can be very messy when people start to die.

This method is much better because 5~6 people are always outside, so less the probability of the tank getting the Hellfire buff.

#The Nucleus of Super Thrall

: After engaging, there will be 6 Nukes on the map

Starting from the 4th cycle pattern, those nukes will be activated and at first they will all be WHITE

the boss gives the tank a Trace buff, which the thrall gives a 120 degree field to the person with the Trace that changes the color of the nukes to BLACK.

the field also instantly kills whoever that doesn't have the Trace buff, only out of Soul Separation (if inside, it does massive damage)

the WHITE nukes recover the thrall's HP, and BLACK does immense damage.

So, the objective here is to make all the WHITE nukes into BLACK nukes quickly, and this is the way to do it: 

(The Yellow Area is the wiping area of the Trace)

: At the start of the phase, the Tank should be at 2 o'clock, and the team at 11 o'clock.

the tank will move clockwise to make all the nukes black, and return to 2 o'clock moving counter clockwise for the next phase.

During this, the team will start at 11 o'clock and move to 1 o'clock right after the tank starts moving

and they will return to 11 o'clock as the tank returns to 2 o'clock counter-clockwise.

during moving, everything else mentioned above like Stunning and KD, and thinking about Hellfire and Waveform must be done simultaneously

This may be confusing, but looking at the tank's view video will help a lot.

paying attention to the minimap will help you understand this.

Also, when it becomes low HP (approximately 10%, but not accurate). It will become uncontrollable and the Nukes will be devitalized, so they won't be activatable and the boss will only do the basic patterns until it dies.

#Tank's View Video ((Working on the Tank Video, for now watch from 1:29:45))

#Non-Tank View Video

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