티스토리 뷰






The Final Boss basically has 3 types of Phases:

Basic Phase

Adds Phase

Pizza Phase

and the Timeline goes like this:

100%~86%: Basic

86%: Adds

86%~56%: Pizza ▶ Basic

56%: Adds

56%~26%: Pizza ▶ Basic

26%: Adds

26%~0%: Altered Pizza

#Basic Phase

: The Map will look like a circle divided to 6 pieces, where the Boss is at 12 o'clock

: Watching the video while reading will help.

The Basic Rotation the Boss uses goes like this:

3 Hits (Last hit Knockback) - Punishment - 4 Hits (Last hit Knockback)

3, 4 Hits: Only the tank has to deal with it. Tank Tactics will be written below. Others will do damage from the behind and have time for constant free-deal.

Punishment: This Pattern makes a field that gives a 'Punishment' debuff stack which gives continuous damage.

it hits 2 times, inside ▶ outside or outside ▶ inside randomly.

Even if you resist the attack the Debuff will stack so you must avoid being in the field.

Doing that requires some practice.

For melees, check the video up there. The clip is outdated and KFM's SS will have longer distance, so you don't really have to go behind beforehand

For ranged, all you have to do is do damage at a 10 meter position and move forth-back or back-forth. check the videos on the most below.

Besides the Basic Pattern, it will use a timewise pattern every 45 seconds (after each 5~6 patterns):

Gives Attention Debuff to 3 melee people - Jumps to the most far person - Front Fire Breath to the Tank - Back to basic pattern from where it ended

Attention: After few seconds, an area that does damage will bloom from these people.

so it is needed for these people to stay away from the whole team.

Since the Boss jumps away after giving the attention you just have to stand there and group up after it blooms.

Jump: it is nice to put one ranged person to lure these jumps, so the boss jumps in a clockwise/counter clockwise direction.

: So it moves like above (The Magnification isn't accurate so just get the idea of it)

Fire Breath: During the Jump, the Tank should Position in the outside of the map and lure the breath to the outside so the team will be safe (Like the above picture)

When it reaches 86%, 56%, 26% it will jump to the center and take flight and the Adds Phase will Begin.

BUT, when it's doing the Timewise Pattern, it only jumps to the center after the breath.

using this will be explained in the last section.

#Adds Phase

When you reach 86%, 56%, 26% the Boss will Jump to the Center and take flight, where it can't be targeted.

And 3 Adds each from 12, 5, 7 o'clock will spawn

So the Team will split into 3 groups and kill the adds

(usually 3 parties go to each areas and the other party splits into 2/2/2, or just send them to 12 o'clock)

The Important thing is that the adds are always rootable.

So, splitting up classes that are constantly rootable is required

(SF, FM can root 24/7, SUM can root for a really long time with the #1 skill form 1, and WL can help but not 24/7)

The adds also give the Attention debuff so it's important for them to get out of range if you get it.

Also, the Boss in the center attacks during the phase

shoots 2 ranged-AoE attacks to the closest person from the center - throws feathers to random targets (always including the tank)

Ranged-AoEs: this is resistable with Ranged Protection skills, so while killing the adds, FM and SUMs should do damage close to the center and lure these AoEs and resist them with RP skills.

Feathers: it hurts but it doesn't kill you so the tank should try to keep full health, or have a keen eye to block/counter it when it throws. It is also RPable.

When all 3 adds are killed the Boss will come down and get ready for the Pizza Phase.

#86%, 56% Pizza Phase

After the Adds Phase, the Boss will come down

it will Soul Separate people and start the Pizza Phase

Right before it starts, you can delay the phase start with rooting skills so the tank can get positioned and do some extra damage.

(Outside) Basic Patterns

The Basic Patterns during Pizza Phase are Similar to the Basic Phase:

[ 3 Hit - 4 Hit - Breath or Deflect - 3 Hit - 4 Hit - Breath or Deflect - AoE Phantom Grip ] x2

3 Hit, 4 Hit is the same with the Basic Phase.

Breath: the Breath is the same, but there will be a timing that you will get hit by it so using party iframe skills is required

Deflect: the Boss spins and when hit it deflects and Stuns and Reflects Damage, and after spinning it knockbacks near 3m.

It also deflects Parry/Defense-Penetrate skills so just stop doing damage.

using CC-immune Emberstomp/Sanctum can resist the Stun but it still reflects damage. For WL only, using Bastion+Sanctum can able you keep dealing but not recommended.

AoE Phantom Grip: This Pattern is CCable, so just stun the Boss. nothing hard with that.

Also, during this the boss constantly gives the Attention to 3 closest melees

So it is necessary for every melee to be keen on the debuff, and after getting it going far away to get rid of the Damage Area.

it is nice to give rolls to some melees so they keep getting the Attention by being close, and make them keep doing the same job.

Also, during the phase a 300 degree wiping zone constantly appears depending on the Tank's Position.

Tank's Pizza Pattern

Before explaining, the tank gets a buff that grants immune from the wiping zone. So he doesn't die.

#Tank Video

During the first root, the Tank and the whole team will position on the line at 7 o'clock (there is a reason for this position, later explained)

the Tank will move counter-clockwise 60 degrees before each AoE wipe.

this is hard to explain in words, so I really recommend watching the clip above.

(Inside) 86%, 56% Soul Separation 

For 86% and 56%, the Boss Soul Separates total 6 people each, which should be decided beforehand.

the people should be positioning in the edge of the map, because the boss Soul Separated the most far people.

inside the Soul Separation area, there will be 3 Lusung Figures are located where the adds were (12, 5, 7 o'clock)

these Adds don't do any damage, but they give the Boss 'Demonic Energy' Stacks and they are CCable.

When the Demonic Energy stacks reach 100, the team is wiped.

So, the 6 Soul-Separated people must kill these Figures

 or CC all 3 of them at once so the stack resets.

So, 2 people from each area (12, 5, 7) will be separated and each 2 people will have a figure to get rid of.

the Figure has 3,400,000 HP, enough for 2 people to kill in time.

the Leader outside should call for the CCs when the stack reaches about 60~70

(Just in case there is a mistake, you will have a chance for one more when you do it at this timing)

the Demonic Energy Stack only lasts 3 seconds, it is required to CC them more than 3 seconds.

the Separated people must be ready for the call and when it does they CC all 3 Figures at once, and the reset the Demonic Energy Stacks.

Since the Figures do not get Grabbed or Phantom Gripped, doing this CC has these ways to do:

BM/BD/SF/WL: Stun/Daze ▶  Airknock extension

KFM: Stun/Daze ▶ Airknock extension ▶ Air Grab

(KFM doesn't have enough Stuns, so the partner must Stun the Figure for him)

SIN: Stun/Daze ▶ Airknock extension ▶ Air Web

DES: using CC extention (#1 or #2 skill) after Stun/Knockdown

FM: Stun ▶ Airknock or Stun ▶ Daze/Knockdown is possible, but not recommended

SUM: Stun ▶ Airknock extension is the basic way do go

but also, Knockdown ▶ Pet Grapple ▶ Root will be VERY HELPFUL

cause if you Grapple the Figure from the outside-in from based on center of the map, after the grapple the figure will be facing outside.

So if you root the figure right before the grapple ends, it just stands looking out side not stacking Demonic Energy stacks.

This is very useful and since SUM has airknock too, using this before the CC call delays Demonic Energy stacking very hard and will come in handy.

After getting rid of the Figure, go help the unfinished Figures.

When all the Figures are killed, you can get outside by stepping on the bloomed attention area

and they will get a Aftermath debuff that last 5 minutes, which makes them die instantly if they go into Soul Separation again during the debuff.

Because of this, people getting Soul Separated at 86% and 56% must be different, so 12 people must be decided beforehand.

But the People who went in 86% can go in at 26%, unless the team is very very strong.

(Aftermath vanishes when you die, just to let you know)

After the 2nd Stun, it goes back to Basic Phase until the next 56%, 26%.

#26% Pizza Phase

the 26%~0% Pizza Phase is different and hard, and requires some good-geared people.

(Outside) Basic Patterns

Basically it's the same but there is a little twist to the Basic Patterns.

3 Hit - 4 Hit - Breath or Deflect - 3 Hit - 4 Hit - Breath or Deflect - Roots the Tank - AoE Phantom Grip - repeat

Before the Phantom Grip, the boss does some kind of motion that Roots the Tank and is CCable.

but it's not like the Rooting is resistable or anything and it doesn't affect the Team directly so just wait for the AoE Phantom Grip and CC it, not the Rooting Pattern.

though, there are some teams that use Knockdown/Stun for each CCable pattern but not recommended. using one CC is easier than doing two.

During this root, the Tank can't move or do anything so the Safe Area will move.

So the whole team must get ready for it before the CC timing and move clockwise following the Safe Area.

It usually moves twice, sometime once depending on the tank's root.

After CCing the Boss, it goes back to regular pattern and uses the 3 Hit when the Tank is still Rooted so the Tank Party must use Party iframes to keep him alive.

(Inside) 26% Soul Separation

This time, the Boss Soul Separates the most far person one at a time

it Soul Separates one person each 15 seconds, and the Boss spawns 3 Figures each 1 minute.

The odd (1, 3, ...) spawns will be at 12, 4, 8 o'clock

and even (2, 4, ...) spawns will be at 2, 6, 10 o'clock

There is a most public manual in choosing orders for this Soul Separation, and following this will be the most efficient way in doing it.


The Timeline goes like this:

1st Spawn

1nd SS

2nd SS

3rd SS

1st CC

4th SS

2nd Spawn

5th SS

2nd CC

the 2nd CC is the crucial moment, and after the 6th SS it will be easy as long as you go by the manual and the Leader does CC calls appropriately

the SS should be done in the right order decided beforehand.

the Leader must constantly do Calls for the Demonic Energy CC cut, and the SS'd people must hear it and do it right.

Usually for 26% SS, it is basically soloing the Figures so you would want to put in Classes that can CC it easily, so WL and FM are possible but not recommended


1st SS: He will wait at 12 o'clock after killing the 26% Figure, and get Soul Separated

There will be a Figure at 12 o'clock and he must kill it before the 2nd Figures Spawn.

After killing the 12 o'clock Figure, he will go to 4 o'clock and help the 2nd SS finish it.

After finishing 4 o'clock' wait at 2 o'clock with the 2nd SS for the 2nd Spawn and do damage until you need to escape

This is where the SUM tip comes in handy, so if you have a powerful SUM in the team he should do this role.

OR, an overgeared FM can just burst the shit out of the figure by spamming awakened Dragonchar and just kill it.

2nd SS: Go to the 4 o'clock Figure and finish it. The 1st SS will help.

After killing the 4 o'clock, go to 2 o'clock and deal with the 2nd Figure, and the 6th SS will take over. Escape before you die.

3rd SS: Go to the 8 o'clock Figure

Right after you reach it, the Demonic Energy Stacks will be high and you will have to CC it.

you will not have enough time to kill it before the 2nd spawn.

After killing it, go to either 6 o'clock or 10 o'clock Figure and help them and escape.

4th SS: After SS,

if Ranged: help on 8 o'clock for a few seconds and go to 10 o'clock and wait for the 2nd spawn

if Melee: just go to 10 o'clock and wait for the 2nd spawn

After killing the 10 o'clock Figure go help others near and escape.

5th SS: During the 5th gets ready to get SS, the Safe Zone will move so he must be ready to move clockwise. While moving, you will be SS'd.

After SS, run to the 6 o'clock Figure

Right after you reach it, the Demonic Energy Stacks will be high and you will have to CC it.

After Killing it, help others and escape.

(This is the hardest role and has to move fast, so put someone that you can trust most)

6th SS: Go to the 2 o'clock Figure and Finish it. the 1st, 2nd SS will be there

After that, wait at 12 o'clock for the 3rd Spawn

(if the SS continuous dmg hurts, recover hp by hitting the center Boss)

doesn't have to escape. just keep managing the Figures and die

7th SS: Finish whatever's left of 6, 8, 10 o'clock

after that, wait at 4 o'clock for the 3rd Spawn and finish it

8th SS: same as the 5th SS, the Safe Area moves at this point so be careful.

Wait at 8 o'clock for the 3rd Spawn and kill it.

9th SS: finish 12 o'clock and move to 2 o'clock for the 4th Spawn.

10th SS: Finish 4 o'clock and move to 6 o'clock for the 4th Spawn.

11th SS: Finish 8 o'clock and move to 10 o'clock for the 4th Spawn.

12th SS: You Probably should have killed the boss by now but if you didn't just do dmg to the boss


So basically, the 1st~4th SS should be the strongest people on your team, and the 5th the most trustworthy.

#Other Major Tips

@Cutting Deal at 27%

: there is a way to start the 26% pizza phase with lower HP, using the Timewise Pattern as said before.

During the Basic Phase after the 2nd Pizza Phase, the whole team stops doing damage at 27% (approximately 113,000,000 HP), only continuing Bleed stacks so it doesn't recover HP

and using that the boss does not go to the add phase until after the Breath, you wait until the Timewise Pattern appears

and when it does, everyone starts doing damage and it will go to adds Phase with much lower HP, like 22% or lower.

Also, controlling the soul for the 1st SS is needed here cause you if you want to keep the soul for the Figure, which requires fast clearing.

you should make it proc when you start dealing when the Timewise Pattern starts. Then the next soul CD will come right before you get 1st SS.

Doing this is needed because if you don't hit the Boss/adds for too long just because you want your soul intact, your aggro will be reset and might not get the SS.

so, you would want to keep the proc for the 27% and use it there, and be able to hit the adds during it's on cooldown.

@Giving Soulburns to the 1st~3rd SS

: the 1st~3rd SS require high DPS to clear the 26% Figures quickly, so it is good to give them Soulburn & Fighting Spirit for them.

The WL/SIN/KFM in each SS man's team keep their SB/FS so it doesn't go into cooldown when you need it.

for the 1st SS, they use it when the boss is rooted before the 26% Pizza Pattern.

for the 2nd SS, they use it right before the boss's First 4-Hit patterns ends.

for the 3rd SS, they use it during the First Breath/Deflect.

This is it, and I hope this guide will help you kill the black wing

#Tank View

#1st SS View

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