티스토리 뷰


The Crafting Tab looks like this, the interface is just different but most of it is the same as before.

You can make 3 Items at a time, and can make better items with more Crafting Levels.

About the time, basically the more time, the more items you get.

the time is 6h-12h-1d-2d-4d

But from 1d~4d, the number of items you get will be pretty much the same, and the materials too. Only the special materials (that will be explained below) are quite different.

but then you think, "Why the hell would I use 2d or 4d?"

It's because the Crafting Experience Points only depend on the crafting time, so you can get more experience points with the same amount of materials.

the amount of exp doesn't matter what item you make, only the time.

The materials are pretty much the same as before.

Looking at the items you can make, the first will be the special materials.

They do not cost a lot of money, and can be obtained by crafting or running dungeons, but for the latter one you need keys to open the boxes which you can craft too.

There are 3 types of special materials, Grade 1~3

Each crafting requires different Grade materials and the boxes from dungeons also vary a lot so you must think which box to open, or you will waste opening keys.

This is the Normal / Trade Craft Section, which you can make quite useful items, pretty much same as before too.

the common thing about the Normal items, is that it is untradeable but you can send them to other characters in the same account, and they require untradeable materials you can earn from dungeons.

Trade items require only tradeable materials. For some of the Trade items you can trade them to earn the untradeable normal items, or have unique items of their own.

Last, the items are the Professions, which require max experience points.

Most (not all) of these items are untradeable even for accounts.

These items are very unique, such as skill-refresh charms and buffs that give you attack points.

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