티스토리 뷰

Before Starting the Guide for the Bosses, I'll explain about the recommended Team Composition and Stuff like that first.

Basically, the team can take 1 of each class and you can take 2 more classes.

Of these 2 classes, one MUST be a Warlock, and the other usually depends on the Team's status (b/c u'r probably take the people u play with already in VT), but GS is recommended.

The most important thing in Twilight Temple and Team Comps is to have 1 of each Party iframes for each party.

Additional Info on each classes will go like this.

1)BM: Tank preferred, KFM can do it but only if he is trustworthy.

-The Main Reason of this is because there are boss patterns that require going to the bosses behind repetitively, which is easily done with BM's Q or E but pretty annoying to do with KFM.

2)KFM: KFMs' can not only give Blue Buff, but Tremor and Searing Palm gives a lot of Crit DMG for not only his party, the whole group hitting the same boss. Also does decent DMG.

So 1 KFM is recommended.

3)FM/DES: doesn't really matter which one, but will require 2 in total because of the Party iframe.

For the Soulshields, I recommend having 1 each.

If you have a choice, FM preferred.

4)SIN: The other Blue Buff, does decent DMG as well.

Of course, the whole team needs 2 Blue Buffs so also recommended having one, because it can use the Dandelion Party iframe as well.

5)SUM: Same, 1 is recommended.

SUMs can also revive dead people, which helps a lot because most of the mechanics require all 12 people to be alive.

6)WL: 2 (don't even start the raid if u don't have 2 WL)

7)BD: Shares party iframes with BM, so total 2 is required as well.

8)SF: Has a massive Reviving skill, massive Heal, massive DMG

No reason to not take them, and 1~2 is recommended.

Also, the Chi Burst and Harmonize makes the 3rd Boss and 4th Boss much easier

9)GS: Has great DPS, and wires allow GS to do a lot of mechanics very easily compared to other classes.

Also Alpha Call allows the team to nuke the boss with back-to-back SB BB, and also help the team by resetting SF's revive and revive resist during tries.

The most recommended Composition should look like this:












This Comp has 2 of all the party iframes, 2 soulburn/BBs and 2 alpha calls for each group, a KFM for everyone

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